In "$#*! My Town Says"

That stone is a local stone found in the area. That explains either the color of the stone, or the name of the area.

In "No, you really CAN'T text and drive at the same time!"

Come on. Changing lanes every 2.5 seconds on a 6 lane road, with no ability to slow down or accelerate, with a 3-handed control system? Even without the texting, it's a ridiculous representation of driving. How's this supposed to apply to real life? When is anyone ever going to be in a similar driving situation? What, did they make a realistic simulator first, and decide it was way too easy?

In "50 My Little Pony mods for geeks"

I like these.

In "An 8.8 earthquake has occurred in Chile."

Well, we went up the mountain. The traffic was bad, and a cop ended up backing into our car, from behind. No tsunami showed up. Kinda mad about the damage to the car, and we wish we hadn't left for higher ground, but everyone is safe, and that's a fair bargain.

The family and I just finished shopping. We still can't decide whether to go to higher ground, or sit tight. We're on the 4th floor of a 40 story building, less than a half mile from Waikiki.

In "Don't worry"

There could've been a little bit of good in the school's actions. None of the articles say what the "inappropriate behavior" was, but some of the comments from students at the school say that the rumors are that the kid was smoking pot. If those rumors are true, then I kind of like the school's behavior. They didn't try suspending him or call the cops or whatever. Instead they sent a note (I can't tell if the note went to the kid, who showed it to his dad, or if it went straight to the parents). I like that level of response. They basically told him to be careful, when the standard response these days seems to be magnitudes harsher. I'm not saying the invasion of privacy was okay. That's obviously wrong. This article says that kids often would see the camera activate on it's own, and many kids started covering up the camera. This is really fucked up, and the hammer needs to come down hard on those responsible.

In "A link to bring us together"

When I got married, my wife insisted that I start showering at night. She gets very upset at just the idea of showering in the morning instead of night. Baths are for when I get cold, or catch a cold. Shower gel all the way. I use it in place of soap, shaving cream, and shampoo and conditioner for the few areas that still have hair. I do use a towel real quick, but then I prefer to let the fan dry me off. (the fan we use around the house is one of the industrial strength fans, supposed to be used for drying floors and carpets.) I think you just asked us this question because you wanted some tag-lines :)

In "Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies"

Hi Quiddy! How are you?

Yeah, she's just an asshole, and it's baloney to pull the "it's okay that I'm a dick, I have a note from my doctor" card. She obviously does understand what's wrong in all of those examples, she wouldn't have been able to use them as examples. But I'll explain the function of those question. It is polite to demonstrate to show some interest in a person, but it's impolite to try to pry and invade their privacy. The question "How are you?" demonstartes concern without forcing someone to reveal anything they don't want. Likewise, its impolite to pass off your problems to someone else. "I'm fine" is a response that leaves you in charge of carrying your own baggage. (And calling herself "neuro-atypical" maybe does give her freedom to be a dick to everyone, but it also gives her the responsibility of happily accepting everyone talking just as dickily to her.)

In "85 ways to add magic to your world"

Well, since this isn't the game thread, I'd like to point out that 27 is not divisible by 7. Sorry, that's been bugging me since the beginning, and I missed my chance inthread.

In "The Lancet retracts paper "

People often choose to protect their reputation by not admitting a mistake, rather than protecting their reputation by correcting the mistake. They stay wrong rather than admit wrong.

In "My parents were awesome."

Those are great pics. What a great idea for a website. Makes me wish I was a couple thousand miles closer to my parents' photo albums.

In "Curious itchy Georgebashi."

I've had an itchy mouth roof before. It has always gone away on it's own. It's never stayed longer than a day, and it's never occured to me to look for a cause. Haven't had it happen in years, though.

In ""Refreshing, Existential and Disturbing""

I find #3 disturbing, in a couple different ways.

In "Twisted Disney Princesses"

I like the Aquaman allusion with the Ariel. And the Snow White picture is kinda scary.

In "Curious George:"

I read daily. I just don't have anything to say.

In "IKEA chánges fönt."

I like Hideous, especially in ipsem-speak. Looks like a book of spells from 1763, that resurfaces like every five generations, leading to the deaths of 5-7 college students.

In "A Venn diagram of mythical creatures."

I was always taught as a child that a griffin had a tail of a snake. Also, I think that the dog/human overlap should also include sphinxes and lycanthropes.

In "Is Using A Minotaur To Gore Detainees A Form Of Torture?"

Well, the comment number went up, but we still don't seem to have comments.

I don't know if this will make it through the veil, but all comments from all threads seem to be missing, as well as tracy's blog. :(

(limited to the most recent 20 comments)